Why not join the

Partnership at a glance
Showcase your work with in-magazine features, as a partner you will receive priority space allocation and content consideration, giving you a platform to share your news, views and thought leadership with our multi-stakeholder, cross-condition, global audience.
Need runners or cyclists, or hosting a fundraising event? Launching a big campaign or have a press release to share? Partnership allows you to advertise for free with us througout the year, in-magazine, online and in our weekly RARE Round-up newsletter.
Social Media
Help promoting your charity and supporting your messaging via our social media channels, plus priority date allocation for our #tuesdaytakeover initiative.
Guest Blogs
As a partner you will benefit from priority guest blog opportunities to share your thought leadership and views on the issues that matter to you, while reaching a diverse online audience.
Partner Directory
Partners benefit from year-round placement in our Partner Directory in-magazine across all four quarterly editions helping new patients, beneficiaries and supporters to find you.
All partners will have their logo and details hosted on our Charity Partners page on our website, with a hyperlink to drive traffic back to your own site and social media.
Bonus Discounts
As a valued partner, members are eligible for significant discounts on our professional services via RARE Communication. Access social media management packages, content writing, creative asset creation and more from the same great team.
Who can join?
Our partner affiliation scheme is open to any charity or not-for-profit organisation that operates with a charitable purpose for the rare disease community.
Why the cost?
We are a not-for-profit organisation with a free subscription business model. This is important to us to enable that all of our content is open source and free access, ensuring that cost is no barrier to access for those for whom our resources and community are a lifeline. As such we charge a nominal fee to charities who wish to join our scheme, in return for high value exposure from us, across our channels. This is set accordingly to annual turnover to ensure even the smallest charities can get involved!
What is the annual cost?
Band A - £65.00
Charities with an annual turnover of less than £100k
Band B - £150.00
Charities with an annual turnover of more than £100k