Acromegaly Support

If you or someone you know has been recently diagnosed with acromegaly or if you are concerned by symptoms there are support services out there for you, no matter where in the world you reside. We have done our research and found the main acromegaly support services and created a resource to take the stress out of searching for support.

To get in touch with these support services you can use the buttons below:
The Pituitary Foundation is the UK’s leading national support and information organisation for pituitary patients, their families, friends and carers. They are the UK’s leading charity providing support to people affected by disorders of the pituitary gland such as acromegaly, Cushing’s, prolactinoma, diabetes insipidus and hypopituitarism.

Acromegaly support understands that ‘living with acromegaly presents unique challenges for everyone involved. Wherever you find yourself on your personal journey, there are resources here to help you navigate these experiences together.’ They have a great resources hub full of ‘educational resources, and support communities that highlight the unique challenges faced by people living with Acromegaly and provide safe spaces to connect with others who are sharing similar experiences.

Acromunity is a global organisation helping support acromegaly patients and families to adapt to living a normal life. ‘Acromegaly is a long-term condition. Here you can find information about how people with acromegaly have adapted to their diagnosis of acromegaly and continued living a normal life with their condition.’ Acromunity an online resource provided by Ipsen that provides information and support for people with acromegaly, their family and friends, and others who are interested learning more about the condition.

Acromegaly Community have a mission ‘to provide an emotional and communal support network for people touched by Acromegaly. We offer a central location for medical information on issues including: surgery, medication, radiation, and post diagnosis support. Most importantly, we work to provide a network of emotional support for our Acromegaly patients, their friends and their family.’ Click the button below to find an interactive world map highlighting Acromegaly doctors in all countries so you can reach out.