RARE REV-inar episode 001
We are excited to welcome Tanner Pharma as co-hosts of our very first RARE Rev-inar. This live event will guide attendees through A multi-stakeholder look at early access pathways. Join us for lively discussion on early access and why it is important to include everyone’s voice.
Thursday 22nd September at 2pm BST
Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g3mtGPZqSn6akUzCG-5-UQ

A very warm welcome to our first in the series of RARE Rev-i-nars where today we will be talking all things EARLY ACCESS. I am Nicola Miller, Creative Director at RARE Revolution Magazine, and in the background working on the tech today, I am joined by my colleague Becky Pender.
Today’s session which is in partnership with the TANNER PHARMA Group is a multi-stakeholder look at early access pathways.
We are thrilled to have so many register for today and would encourage you to participate in the polls throughout the session, and please do drop any questions in the Q&A area and we will do our best to get to as many of them as we can at the end of the session. Any we don’t have time to get to we will endeavour to answer after the session closes and feed back to you all.
Today’s session will be also available to revisit on demand post event which we will circulate links to in due course.
I am delighted to be joined by very knowledgable and international line up today who can help guide us through the topic of early access.
John Lagus
Executive Vice President of Business Development @Tanner Pharma
David Caponera
Executive Director, Patient Advocacy @Novo Nordisk
Prof. ANIB Das
Head of Paediatric Metabolic Medicine @Department of Paediatrics, Hannover Medical School.
Dr. Femida Gwaadree-Shridhaar
Founder & CEO @Pulse Infoframe
Roberta Smith
President @Alagille Syndrome Alliance AND
Dawn Sullivan
Of Global Medical Affairs @Ultragenyx
Hello all and welcome
First, we are going to kick things off with a brief presentation from John on What is an early access programme or EAP and designing for the unmet needs.